Healthy Gut

Today I’m going to show you how a pregnant woman positively influenced her baby’s gut health and immunity development.

“And she accomplished this despite:

Living in a farm.

Being exposed to dirt, pets and farm animals.

Staying away from Antibiotics as far as possible.

Giving birth to her baby vaginally (Natural delivery).

Breast feeding her baby.”

Mary is a 29 year old pregnant woman who lives and works in a city.

Like every other busy woman, Mary focused initially on her work but also wanted to deliver a healthy baby.

Whenever she had any health issue, she would default to antibiotics as she did not want to appear sick at work.

When she knew that she was pregnant, she sends of her pets to her parents’ home as she believes that having pets around during this time is not healthy for her and her baby.

Ultra Clean and Modern Lifestyle of Mary

Mary maintains an ultra-clean environment in her house before delivery.

Mary opts for a C-section delivery although she could have avoided it.

She delivers her baby and assumes that the baby is healthy.

Mary feeds her baby with supplements which her doctor suggested.

Farm Lifestyle of Janet

After the delivery, one of her friends, Janet makes a casual visit.

Janet had already delivered a baby the previous year through a Normal delivery and not through C-section.

She is a 30 year old woman who lives in a Farmland quite close to the city.

She is exposed to farmland environment, the dirt, the pets and cattle almost on a daily basis.

Janet breast feeds her baby.

She relies on a more holistic approach to treating her health and her baby’s health.

She does not default to Antibiotics for any health issue. Antibiotics would be Janet’s last option.

Janet greets her friend and her cute baby and then both begin a conversation during which Mary gets petrified.

Janet asks Mary regarding her lifestyle pre and post-delivery.

Baby’s gut Health: Effects of Ultra Clean vs Farm lifestyle

After listening to Mary, Janet says that Mary had taken many decisions in the interest of time and convenience and not in the interest of her health and her baby’s gut health.

Mary was unaware of what Janet was speaking and also did not believe what Janet was saying, although she was scared.

Janet, being a long-time friend of Mary knew that Mary relied more on data and research when it came to her health related choices.

So, Janet started explaining and showing Research data to Mary.

Janet knew this information from a Health Coach who mentored her during her pregnancy.

This is how the conversation goes….

Janet: Mary, did you know that following a Farm Lifestyle, getting exposed to dirt, pets and farm animals constantly would make your gut and your baby’s gut strong and healthy?

Mary: How is that? Can you explain. Janet: Sure… There is an Army of bacteria in your gut. When you are exposed to dirt, pets and farm animals you are training the army in your gut on a daily basis to be strong and healthy. Here is what  Research says regarding that..

yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!

Janet: Mary, did you also know the effects of Antibiotics on your gut and your baby’s gut?

Mary: What are those?

Janet: Antibiotics reduces the Immune tolerance of your gut and your baby’s gut. Here is what Research says..

yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!

Janet: Mary, do you know that if you deliver a baby naturally (vaginally) rather than C-section, your baby would have a good and strong Immune system and healthy Gut?

Mary: How’s that?

Janet: Here it is….

yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!
yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!

Mary: Oh no.. I wish I knew all this during my pregnancy..

Janet: Don’t worry Mary… It’s not your fault.. It’s not too late as your baby is just a month old. This is how you can help yourself and influence your baby’s gut health to grow strong.

Thumb Rules to improve your baby’s Gut Health:!

  • Do not default to Antibiotics unless there is no other option.
  • Always try to consult an Authentic Health Coach or a Doctor who practices Functional medicine.
  • Stop Formula/Supplement feeding your baby and start breast feeding.
  • Make frequent visits to a nearby park or a farm every day and allow your baby to play.
  • Do not worry too much about cleanliness.
  • Get your pets back to your home.
  • Follow a natural Gut friendly diet for yourself and your baby after consulting your Doctor who practices Functional Medicine.

Mary: Thank you so much for the insights Janet…

That’s about the conversation between Mary and Janet regarding Farm Lifestyle and Ultra clean Modern lifestyle.

As you can see now that Farm and Antibiotic free lifestyle before, during and after Pregnancy results in healthy development of baby’s gut and immunity.

It therefore helps the baby’s gut to become more immune and avert a lot of health related issues in future.

Baby’s Gut Health Infographic: Farmland Lifestyle vs City Lifestyle

yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 - Warning: Your Baby's Gut Health worsens by "Living clean & Antibiotics"!

Interested to know more?

If you are interested to know more about the Leaky gut diet approach, I would recommend reading the best book I have read so far related to this post Healthy Gut Healthy You

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So, should you adopt a Farm lifestyle and live in a farm rather than a City?

For people living in a farm, you are in a better spot but there are several studies trying to find out which farm environments (especially which specific bacterial groups) will help develop a strong and healthy gut.

If you are living in a City and cannot move, don’t worry. Just follow the guidelines that Janet suggested Mary.

The underlying theme here is that you need to train the army in your gut on a constant basis to make them strong enough and the surrounding Environment plays a very key role.

As a rule of thumb, stay away from Antibiotics as long as you can. I’m not saying Antibiotics are dangerous.

It is a wonderful way of treating a lot of diseases. All I’m saying is not to default to them just in the interest of time or convenience.

There are several alternate forms of medicine. So, try exploring those options like Functional medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy etc.

If you are a pregnant woman or planning for a child, opt for natural delivery if there are little to no complications rather than a C-section.

Breast feed your baby unless you have any medical conditions. Wish you a happy motherhood 🙂 and parenthood.

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Warning: Your Baby’s Gut Health worsens by “Living clean & Antibiotics”!

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